Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hullo all! I like putting pictures but that would mean changing computers so nah, too lazy.

So, we have a new headmate! His name is Jim! Mari named him.
Oh and I found out, Taku is in fact a guy. I've always thought he's more like a woman with no boobs. Yeh... But he's very girly and loves dresses, so...

We don't know much about Jim yet. Hopefully he'll write here too.

Okay what then...

Oh! Almost bought a 100 yo piano for only 20€, but the guy who was selling it wants more money for it... Why put the option of selling it with only 20€ if you're not going to sell it with that price?

It's only 12:30 and I'm already bored. I'll have to wait for everyone to get home from school and then go somewhere... Maybe I'll use this time to train our pokemon and then challenge Whire to a battle?
Or something.
Anyway, must put on some clothes->

Thursday, April 19, 2012


This has been a semi-good week so far.
Good things:
Been playing with my friends a lot. Me and Whire just completed Portal 2 co-op story. He's been playing a lot with me. I like him a lot. He's seems to be always positive. And loves pretty much all the same things as I do.
He's going to teach me how to play with Poke-cards. I've been collecting them a bit again. When I was younger I used to have like 2000+ cards cause when my brothers and cousins stopped collecting them, they gave them all to me.
Sherlock and John (Sayo) might get little kitties! If we are lucky. I'll do an introduction of my cats when I have more time.
Been watching Fairy Tail a lot. And Greek.
Monni has been out more and more lately. Which is kind of good, because she sleeps a lot. And it's nice that the body gets some rest. I'm not a good sleeper...
I was going to go to see my cousin, but I don't have money to travel :(

Not so good things:
Been sick a lot. And there might be a new headmate. That might not be a bad thing though. It's just a bit alarming when there's a new person who we know nothing about living in the same body.

People (Read mom) still have trouble getting that we are different people. Vasku is not me. Neither is Monni or Taku or anyone. And our therapist is always saying how we're only one person. We don't want to be treated as only one person.

Oh, and we have a group name now. We are The Pack! (Or the Wolf Pack as Vasku says.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sorry for no posts. Had a bit of a hard time.

One of us (We don't really know who, it's a new one probably) tried to kill us last Saturday. We have strong medication for sleeping and someone took way too much of them. I woke up with empty medicine thingeys in my hand. At first I though t´someone must have been cleaning them away, but then the meds kicked in.

I was very tired and the whole body felt really heavy. At that point we all started bouncing randomly to surface and I was sure we were dying. I called my mom and she and her husband came over. At some point they called 911 (Well, technically it's 112 here in Finland) and two men with ambulance came.

I couldn't breath well anymore. It was too hard and took too much energy. I tried to say it, but I couldn't talk. I was just so afraid what would happen to my cats after I died. I tried to tell my mom that she had to take care of them. The ambulance men made me drink medicine charcoal (activated charcoal). It was horrible and I was too weak to drink so I was covered in the black liquid. I was only half conscious and all the headmates were jumping all over so I'm not sure what happened, but I once woke up at the ambulance and later at the hospital. They made me drink more carchoal and did all sorts of tests. Everytime I woke up, there was a nurse sitting next to me. I think she sat there whole night making sure I didn't die in my sleep. I'm very thankful to her.

I was able to lie my way out of the hospital the next day. I told the doctors it was an accident and they let me go home. I have severe fear of hospitals and I just can't stand them.

My friends Teri and Mari called 911 too when I sent them a text. I'm very sorry to have had to worry everyone, but I was 100% sure I was dying and I wanted to tell people I loved them.

Now my mom has my medicine and she gives them to me for few days at a times, so we can't overdose anymore.

Well, that's my weekend.
I'm very happy to be alive.