Monday, July 23, 2012

 Someone was sleeping (Emilia I think) and I woke up.
I took a sociopath test. Because of reasons.
The result:
You are totally scary! I would feel so bad for anyone who lives with you or hangs around you on a daily basis. Stay away from us!

You have 20 points for 24 Questions.You are for 17 % pure!

Also, something Emilia wrote:

Finns on the internet.

This is going to be quite a long post, but thank you if you read this.

Okay, I’m really starting to worry about Finns using internet and all social medias. And I’m not saying what I’m about to say is true for every Finn, but for too many. And surely this is true for people from other nations, but I’ve mainly experienced it on Finnish sites.

The hate.

The insane anonymous hate.

That’s why I hate Finnish sites where you can comment anonymously.

For instance:

Feissarimokat is a site where they collect funny posts from Facebook.

Pretty much EVERY post has hate in the comments. And it’s not only towards the post, but other commenters too.

I have an example:

The post had a status from a 45+ woman who wanted facebook likes, so she divided her post in to many pieces.

Someone commented that she was trolling.

After that a girl with nickname Sofi commented:” I don’t think many 45+ people know what trolling is, or know how to do it.” (Which to me is a valid point)

Well, then comes some everyday hero who thinks only he’s point an be the right one:

Maverick: “And Sofi is obviously a (a Finnish word that I know no translation for, pissis. It’s derogative, used for teenage girls who are stupid and only care for their image etc.) and has a lot to learn from the world.”

He could have said it more nicely! Like “I think they do”

Why do Finns have to be so negative?

For another example:

I was playing Transformice, an online platforming game where you play with little mice and you have to collect the cheese. There are dirrefent rooms and I was in the Finnish one.

I had been playing for quite a long time and chatting with the other players at the same time and I had fun. But then I said I have to go cause my girlfriend was coming.

Dear lord what shit storm followed.

There was two or thee guys who just wouldn’t believe that I could have a girlfriend (And they had decided that I was a guy)

They were saying stuff like “What kind of loser lies he has a girlfriend in a mouse game?” And stuff like that. And it really was quite mean.

I was stunned. Do they really have so low self-esteem they have to insult others to feel good about themselves? What the hell is wrong with Finns? Or with all those pathetic internet users who think it’s nice to cause trauma for others.

And no I haven’t gotten any trauma, but some have. Some people take it very seriously when someone bad-mouths them on the internet.

I mean. Imagine you had painted something. You used time and effort in to it and you are happy with what you had done. Then you post a picture of it online for your friends to see. And then comes along some shit-head and becomes poor-mouthing your masterpiece. That’s got to hurt right?

And now one could argue that it’s your own fault for posting it online, but you didn’t post it for that guy right? Maybe you posted just so that one friend who lives in California would see it.

Feel free to comment or send me asks if you have experience from internet hate.

-Emilia Of The WolfPack