Thursday, May 10, 2012


First order of business: IT'S JIM!

About today:

This day started of awful. We didn't eat meds yesterday so the night was horrible. Without our meds we don't sleep well and we see nightmares. Luckily, sometime around 5 a.m Moona came to front. She's the best sleeper of us all.

When I woke up, it was already day and our dad was yelling me to get up. So, I got up, don't really remember what I did until dinner. For dinner, we had chicken which still had it's bones in. (The leg thingeys) And I really don't like bones. I almost threw up, but Jim saved me. He came to the front and ate the horrible chicken. After that I came back to the front and started packing our stuff.

When our grandmother came, she had our grandfather with her... I fear him a lot because he's a drunk and stuff, but I sucked it up and told Jim I could take care of it. Right when we left I saw someone. Someone I fear most in the world and who caused the first trauma in our life. After seeing him I was in panic. Sipi came to front for a sec and I had to rip her back in. (Our grandparents have no idea of our DID) Jimi came out for a sec too but when we drove away I got the situation under control.

After that someone in the mind place went to sleep and saw more nightmares about him. I felt really sick. It didn't help that I needed to change the bus two times and I was worried I'd get lost.

Luckily, I got a knight in shining armor (Unfortunately, no armor in real life). Whire was in the last bus home. I had earlier texted him that someone was seeing nightmares but I didn't explain more than that. I know I can talk to him, but I don't like suffocating people with my problems.
Anyway, Whire got me in better mood (Like he always does.. But I'm going to stop praising him, he's probably going to read this.)

When I came home, the cats had made a mess of this place BI (<- That's a smiley)
There were two different places where someone had thrown up. The whole apartment smelled and there was shit everywhere...

But the rest of the day has been nice. After so much panicking, I've been laughing the rest of the day. Managed to connect my xbox to internet, so I can play Mass effect 3 multiplayer, jeij!
If anyone wants to play with me, my ID is TheMultiGirl. I play Mass effect (a lot), portal 2 and assassin's creeds online.

Anyway, that's it for today, dear diary.
Good night.

Fist of all, my name is Jimi, not Jim. Vasku grr.
Um... I'm an age slider, around 18-24.
I'm a boy (obviously) and I have had some... Awkward moments with this female body.

Right now we are at Emilia's dad house. He just left to work. I didn't say who I was, because I'm not sure how much he knows. Vasku didn't know either.

We're leaving back home today, really soon. After I've written this, Vasku or Emilia will come and go pack, cause I have no idea what stuff belongs to us.

Hmm... I like emilia's and Vasku's friends a lot. Mind you though, I haven't met many of them. I texted Emilia's little sister today and she... Well, it's not surprise she prefers Emilia over us all and wishes she'd 'be herself' as she said. I try not be offended, I have to understand that Emilia is her sister and she loves her sister. Still, it's not fun to hear 'Go away, you are fake' (She didn't actually say that)

Anyway, have to let the girls pack.